In Da Club...

Last week Ben discovered a hidden gem. The UCLA Faculty Center - The Club - allows Postdocs to join up (1st 6 months free). This was known by all but since the food isn’t great and the bar shuts at 7pm it wasn’t particularly attractive. How. Ever. Ben’s membership arrives with documentation which mentions a Billiard Room. A few googles later this is disputed as being outdated literature and the only reference we can find to it is in a 1967 review article. Since this also talked about the Men’s and Women’s lounges it seemed unlikely to still exist. Could we (I) be more wrong… There, in a room clearly not decorated since long before 1967, in the far corner of the building, stood one large pool table. Pitcher of beer… free pool… thanks very much. Only distraction being the fact that this room seems to be a shortcut to the car park taken by all the ancient / decaying faculty ladies and gents - all of which feel the need to make an ‘amusing’ comment on passing…. Chances of me mentioning this on the postdoc website - slim to nill.

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