Happy New Year - California back to England

Catherine and I had our first and only New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles and spent it very quietly with a home-made chicken curry followed by traditional trifle [deliaonline] and a fairly random movie (The Company of Wolves). Dance music featured only on the ipod during washing up and we were in bed by 1am. Good-bye nightclub - hello middle-age.

No matter what timezone you are in it is now officially 2007. Procrastination ends here for me and things will rapidly start to change in the coming weeks. We might be leaving Los Angeles as soon as the end of February which prompts speculation as to what will be missed, what will not be missed and if there is anything about the UK that we are looking forward to at all!? With the sun streaming into our delicious west-side apartment the following is probably highly biased and I’m sure my perspective will change after our return. Read on for the complete list which is in no particular order and avoids all humans.

##Things I’ll miss from California

##Things I won’t miss about California

##Things I’m looking forward to in England

##Things I’m not looking forward to in the UK

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